Eaton is hiring for Electrical Engineer 09 Jul 2024
Company Name
Company Website
0-2 years
Job Role
Power Electronics
Job Type
  • Experienced
  • Fresher
Job Location
  • Pune
  • ME/M.Tech
  • Electronics and Telecommunication
Job will expire on
19 Jul 2024

Eligibility Criteria

  • MTech/MS - Power Electronics/ Power Electronics and Power Systems
  • 0-2 years

Job Description

  • Develops simulation models of power electronics systens/ sub-systems/ components using Matlab SIMULINK/PLCES
  • Analyzes & optimizes designs through plant (mathematical) model and control development
  • Works on SIL/HIL simulations for validation of firmware, control algorithms and drives
  • Develops Python scripts for automation of model simulations and hosts the digital models on servers/PC/Hardware 
  • Delivers deep insights through system modeling and simulations for robust product development to meet all performance requirements/ CTQs.
  • Partners with global teams, understands the design intent, develops and validates models to substantiate the designs of various components & systems.